Install ####### * Resource: GIT_PROJECT: * Install-Doc-Version: 2021-01-05 OTS software ************ Linux ===== - Debian 10 install small helper packages: .. code-block:: bash apt install openssh-server apt install zip .. include:: install_postgres.rst OpenOffice ========== * needed for conversion docx to pdf * use program lowriter in the application .. code-block:: bash # size: 480MB apt install default-jre # size: 390MB apt install libreoffice-java-common # size: 50MB apt install --no-install-recommends libreoffice-writer # test, if java and lowriter are installed java -version # output: e.g. openjdk version "" 2020-11-04 lowriter --version # output: e.g. LibreOffice 10(Build:2) # example convert lowriter --convert-to pdf TR_20200709_Agarosebeads.docx Python + Modules ================ .. hlist:: :columns: 1 * minimum version: Python3.7 * python3-pip (use: pip3) * Currently: no virtualenv ! **Check Python version** .. code-block:: bash python3 --version # expected output: Python 3.7.3 # Pip (250 MB) apt install python3-pip # check version pip3 --version # output: pip 18.1 Install Pip modules: .. code-block:: bash pip3 install jsonrpcclient jsonrpcserver requests Flask Flask-Session Flask-mail psycopg2 ldap3 python-docx # upgrade needded for ldpa3 pip3 install --upgrade pyasn1 More details to the modules: .. hlist:: :columns: 1 * jsonrpcclient (for gozilla_jsonrpc) * jsonrpcserver (for JSONRPC) * requests (for gozilla_jsonrpc) * Flask * Flask-Session (for extented session) * Flask-mail (for emails) * psycopg2 (postgres, need apt-get package: libpq-dev) * ldap3 (since 2020-03) * python-docx (for fOffice document convert) .. include:: install_nginx.rst Application developed software ******************************* Install system code =================== Modify permissions for /usr/bin/lowriter .. code-block:: bash chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www Create data directories .. code-block:: bash mkdir /data/blinkdms mkdir /data/blinkdms/docs mkdir /data/blinkdms/work chown -R www-data:www-data /data/blinkdms Resource: GIT_PROJECT copy code from [GIT_PROJECT]/blinkdms to /opt/blinkdms/blinkdms .. code-block:: bash chown -R www-data:www-data /opt/blinkdms/blinkdms Basic Configuration =================== * Resource: /opt/blinkdms/blinkdms/conf * copy to Edit (at least the DB password): .. code-block:: bash superglobal['db'] = { 'main': { 'dbname':'dmsdb', 'host':'localhost', 'user':'blinkdms', 'password':'xxxxx', } } Postgres: database schema ========================= .. include:: install_postgres_schema.rst .. COMMENT: Python code .. include:: install_2.rst First login to the system ========================= * go to the web browser; url: x.x.x.x:8080 (depending on your nginx config) * login as root, password: the password was set during "Postgres: database schema" : variable app_root_pw * go to the Admin area * run the plugin "System Check"