.. comment: maintenance postgres Postgres: maintenance ===================== **Scope:** maintain the the database Export a full database ---------------------- **Create Dump** .. code-block:: bash # --no-owner no ownership in output pg_dump dmsdb --file=/data/postgresql/dumps/2019-05-08.dump.sql --format=plain --encoding=UTF8 --schema=blinkdms_tab -x --no-tablespaces --no-owner Restore a dump -------------- Scope: restore a dump for an existing DB-user * delete old data of DB-user * create new database table * import DUMP delete old data: .. code-block:: bash psql -d dmsdb sql> DROP SCHEMA blinkdms_tab cascade; sql> REASSIGN OWNED BY blinkdms TO postgres; sql> DROP OWNED BY blinkdms; sql> DROP USER blinkdms; sql> DROP ROLE blinkdms_user; sql> exit; now recreate the DB user + tablespace: .. code-block:: bash psql -d dmsdb -v ON_ERROR_STOP=1 < /opt/blinkdms/blinkdms/install/sql/create_user.sql import: .. code-block:: bash psql -v ON_ERROR_STOP=1 -d dmsdb -U blinkdms < /data/postgresql/dumps/YOUR_DUMP.sql